
Prove Compliance With Comprehensive Reporting

With thousands of assets, hundreds of service requests and dozens of facilities and departments under your jurisdiction, effectively managing employees and tracking assets requires a keen eye. The reporting capabilities of TruAsset’s asset maintenance management system provide the insights and data you need to optimize your operations.

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Trusted by Top Organizations

Create, Run and Analyze Reports Across all Areas

When you let TruAsset take care of the processes and databases vital to the smooth operation of your facilities, you also have the benefit of collecting data on everything. Request a demo today and learn how our reporting capabilities give you the power to optimize your management procedures.

Extensive Reporting Features

Depending on the nature of the services you provide, TruAsset allows you to run reports on any aspect of your asset maintenance management system. Whether you’re an internal department or a third party contractor responsible for dozens of facilities, our robust reporting capabilities are up to the task.

Reporting Parameters

You can run reports across the entire organization, or narrow in on a specific team, facility or region.

EOM Reports

Schedule reporting for the end of each month to keep track of all work orders, purchase orders, projects, cost summaries and more.

Reporting Templates

TruAsset comes outfitted with many premade reports based on what administrators often use. If you don’t find what you need, you can make it.

Defined Rules for Reporting

To ensure reports stay in line with contractor responsibilities, TruAsset allows you to define the rules for your reporting.

Facilities Management Doesn’t Need to be Hard

Start by requesting a one-on-one demo with TruAsset today, and learn a better way to manage critical maintenance, biomedical and environmental processes at your healthcare facilities.

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